Hello everyone! Welcome back to URR’s 0.11 updates :). To begin with, let’s take stock. I think I’ll make this a thing at the start of each update from now on for this year and see how that goes. The colour-coding is going to be that GREEN is something I am now working on, BLUE is … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.11 Update #1
Hello everyone! Welcome to the first update for Ultima Ratio Regum 0.11. Whereas 0.10 was a small release focused primarily on fixing a lot of bugs, optimising a huge amount of code, and adding in a few new features such as plant generation, survival, death, some new items, and bookmarks and fast travel, 0.11 is … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Released!
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Released! This is a smaller release with a focus on polishing and optimizing many game systems, as well as implementing a handful of new features that will stand the game in good stead going forward. Specifically: MAJOR FEATURES: Fast travel and bookmarks: you can now fast-travel to specific locations within any … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #8
Well, I think we’re basically done! I have three extremely minor bugs to fix and aside from that I’m just playtesting. I was hoping to release today but we’re just not quite there – it is now going to be next week, but 0.10 is essentially finished. I’m just playing and playing and testing and testing … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #7
Welcome back, friends! This is probably now the final (or penultimate) update before release, which I am tentatively going to schedule for the first week of February. A slightly slower couple of weeks this time as there has been a lot of start of term work to get sorted (and my only family member is … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #6
Welcome back everyone! I think barring catastrophes this should release in around a fortnight, so this will either be the final update, or the penultimate update, before getting 0.10 out. I’m determined to stick to my schedule of putting out a new release every year – even if this is a relatively small release, albeit … Read More
Some Games I Played in 2022 and What I Thought Of Them
Welcome to 2022’s edition of “Some Games I Played in [Year] and What I Thought Of Them”! This year I’ve played relatively few games compared to recent years, but that’s in part because the ones I have played have been unusually time-consuming; also in part because of Covid becoming more manageable and therefore being able to … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #5
Hello! Since the last update I’ve made some major progress on a large number of major optimizations and improvements to the code and speed of the game, and in also in the development of new features, for URR 0.10. So, let’s have a look: Field of view / map drawing optimizations The first place I … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #4
Lots more has been coded in the past couple of weeks, so let’s get to it! Supply consumption and use I have now implemented an initial working draft of supply consumption use as you walk around the game world. So first off, here I am after a few days of walking around in a city … Read More
Ultima Ratio Regum 0.10 Update #3
Welcome back everyone! Lots of new developments again, so let’s take a look: Buying supplies When you enter or leave cities you can now stock up on supplies. These take four forms – canteens, food, water, and equipment. Canteens, food ration bags and equipment have generated images while water is a slightly more abstract image. … Read More