2018 Year in Review

January 1, 2019Academic, Updates

Another strange and tricky year pulls to a close (a few months after I promised a return to weekly blog entries – we’ll get to that in a moment), and what has happened? Well: Academic Firstly: my book is now out! Counting this post as a slightly-delayed December post, I’m going to do a proper “launch” … Read More

New Website!

August 25, 2018Updates

Hello everyone, and welcome to my new website! After several months in development, I must – as noted on the post I’ve just uploaded on my old website – give my profound thanks to the amazing work of NerdCloud, whose website design ability made this all possible. For those who have already read that one, … Read More

How Basic is Basic Gaming Literacy?

May 15, 2017Academic, Commentary, Game Design

I’d like to start this entry with an anecdote, which outlines the basic issue I’m pondering far more effectively than an abstract discussion. A few years ago I found myself in the position of trying to teach someone who had never played a single video game in their life – and had extremely limited experience of board or card … Read More

Westworld and Immersive Games

January 14, 2017Commentary

HBO’s new Westworld series is absolutely essential viewing for anyone with an interest in games. It’s a great mystery, a great thriller, and great science-fiction, but it’s also fundamentally an exploration of games. On one level it is obviously an exploration of immersive or pervasive games – games that expand past traditional boundaries to engage with the “real … Read More

Bloodborne, PCG, and the Unknowable

November 26, 2016Commentary, Game Design

A Hunter is a Hunter, even in a blog entry… Regular readers of my blog may remember a comment I made a while back about a game I’ve been deeply anxious to play for some time. This was Hidetaka Miyazaki’s new masterpiece (or so the reviews told me) – Bloodborne. I know I’m rather behind the times … Read More

Perfect Dark Retrospective

July 27, 2014Commentary, Game Design

A few years ago Perfect Dark was re-released on Xbox Live Arcade. Whilst it was generally met with a positive reception as an impressive modernization of a classic game, especially since the new engine was built ground-up to be as close a copy of the old engine as possible, several reviewers claimed the game’s level design … Read More